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 First things first -  I am no magician. 
The skills of communicating with spirit and energy that I have developed through my life are part of you as well - really! It may look a little different for each of us, but these gifts are part of everyone’s animal and spiritual nature.

Is it God given, right-brained, or instinct? That’s age-old discussion stuff...


I have spent my focus and commitment learning and developing it, similar to an accountant or when I was a nurse. We can have an aptitude and do nothing with it, it hungers and eventually may wither. We can have a curiosity, and flourish, expand, bloom.

What we devote ourselves to grows.


What would you like to bloom?



Now that we have that on the table...
I grew up with generations of Italian, Catholic
 and German, Jewish family who held those beliefs to be true and so conversations about auras, spirit visits, animal communication, interrelationships with nature, dreams, respect, politics, poker, ethics, responsibility to this life and beyond, forward and back and much more were as natural in my childhood as swing sets and learning how to make my Grandmother’s chicken cacciatore (with green olives).
For this I am thankful and I feel them in oh my gosh so much that I am and do.... and Yes, I've always been "this" way. I figured out other people weren't when I started school. OOPS.  

My family is all different in what their strengths and struggles were, how they expressed themselves.  Each taught  me the beauty of knowing yourself, staying flexible or firm, and working together, and the consequences of not. 


My Grandmother is in this picture. Can you guess who she is?

Over time, as a hospice nurse and therapeutic artist, just life as a person, a friend a wife, a mom, going through divorce and finding love again, reflecting on a complex childhood, it became more apparent that too many of us are walking around feeling disconnected, misunderstood, afraid and alone, or having very few safe places to create a community to explore their own experiences or find answers and relief or direction that is also trustworthy, and not a bit too profiteering or strange.


I knew it was time to shift gears so I could share directly that there is so much more for us each to embrace than meets the eye. Many of us know this instinctually, and yet it can seem counter-culture or attached to strange things to allow us to be joyful about it. It is a very joyful thing. I look for truth and evidence, science as much or more than the next person, I look for common spaces between us...and ...


I believe, and have always believed, we can simplify life and love. We can know we are a part of something more. We have inner knowings of what is or isn't that surpasses all of this.

Our spiritual and intellectual instincts are as important as the food we eat and air we breath. All things in consideration, because these aspects of ourselves make a whole self.


I do believe we are more alike than different, although it may seem we are separated by our beliefs, ages, lifestyles or cultures. We can consciously invest in believing this and exercising this. We can also trust our facets of instinct and guidance and exercise what it is to be present with many aspects of ourselves.


Take the woo woo and the superstitious mumbo jumbo out of it.

It becomes MORE beautiful, more magical, not less.

Be Whole. Be Connected. 

Thanks for being here with me. 



I AM The Wonder Dog, Deb Miller, psychic medium spiritual counselor

What's this about a name change? YUP. I changed my first, middle and last name. The short version of my name is now Birdi Sinclair. You can read more about it. The reason is love. Love for where I've been, who I am now, where I'm going, all those who came before me and to come. It was among the best decisions of my life. I have a sister site in my new name, same services and more: or Check it out! You can schedule with me here or there! I'm me wherever I am. xoxo

My Education Background: I am a former hospice nurse, an ordained interfaith minister and a spiritual counselor with 2 masters, my doctorate, and certificates in therapeutic arts, master life coaching, breathwork, meditation, hypnosis. I combine these to specialize in grief communication and wholeness through sessions, courses, presentations and even art and original products. I have also trained as end of life doula for people and animals, and certified in holistic companion animal nutrition and behavior trainings to support my animal communication abilities. I believe it is responsible to educate and practice myself, so that I can be more prepared for the many vulnerable and important needs people trust me with. This unique career path adds a grounded layer of understanding and broader scope to my skillset in readings. I am also a former TV host, frequent radio and multi-media guest and public presenter, a teacher, writer and artist; as well as a mother, a partner, a survivor and thriver, a lover a friend who is very active in my communities. Busy Bee. I hope this helps you understand and feel more connected with me. I am with you.

I offer myself to you with rich and varied experience and with a connected heart to help you realize your own paths, make your own connections, and increase your own sense of self. In Kindness~ Deb

Painted Heart Birdi Sinclair Begin Peace
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